Bond Referendum Results
The bond referendum held on October 29,2024 was not passed. The final vote tallies were 246 yes votes and 390 no votes. For those of you who supported the Fire District in this endeavor we extend our thanks.
Estimated Utilities
Gas/Electric – $2,600.00/month
General Maintenance – $200.00/month (membership will do a lot of the maintenance)
Snow Removal – $800.00/month (November to April)
Insurance – there is insurance already included in the current District Budget
Dear Caledonia Fire District Residents,
On Tuesday, October 29, 2024, you will have an opportunity to vote on a revised capital project that would allow the Caledonia Fire District to build a new fire hall—one that is better suited than our current, undersized facility to serve the evolving needs of our community and our firefighters. The goal of this project is to optimize response times and outcomes with a more central location on Route 5, to secure much-needed additional space to accommodate our equipment and fleet, and to provide modern facilities to train our firefighters and support their health and safety.
We presented a similar project proposal earlier this year and received constructive feedback from the community when that project was voted down. To determine next steps and reevaluate our plan, we established a capital project advisory committee consisting of Fire District members and volunteers, community representatives, and professional consultants. We listened to our community’s concerns and scaled back the original plan to reduce its overall cost and tax impact. The result is a modest new facility that is more narrow in scope and focuses on our most critical needs.
We, as your Fire District, remain committed to the safety and security of our community. Although our current fire hall has served our community and firefighters for the past 64 years, it is now our duty to adapt our facilities to meet the changing needs of the residents we serve. Now is the time to modernize and plan for the future. By investing in a new fire hall, we aim to strengthen our ability to serve you effectively and protect what matters most—your lives and property.
We encourage you to learn more about the revised project at the public hearing on October 22, and to cast your vote on October 29.
Please mark your calendar with the following dates:
Tuesday, October 22, 7:00 p.m.
J.W. Jones Hall 366 Leicester Rd.
Caledonia Fire District representatives and consultants will share information about
the project and host an open community forum where the public can ask questions.
Tuesday, October 29, 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
J.W. Jones Hall, 366 Leicester Rd.
Eligibility Requirements: Voters must be legally registered to vote within the Caledonia Fire District.
What has changed since the last project proposal?
After the original proposal for a new Fire Hall did not pass in April, we listened to our community’s concerns and scaled back the original plan to reduce its overall cost and tax impact. The size of the new building was reduced from 19,404 s.f. to 13,086 s.f., and the site plan was scaled back to eliminate the loop road and drive-through bay access. The interior building area was modified to optimize usable space by incorporating a multipurpose, cross-functional training and gathering space. This space can be easily divided into smaller areas when needed through the use of a movable partition wall. Offices and other areas were reduced in size.
We have been extremely cognizant of the cost to the taxpayer of the work we’ve included in this project scope. These modifications to our original project plan enabled us to reduce the original project cost by approximately $2.6 million and reduce the impact on our taxpayers.